

Last updated: December 4, 2018
Downloads: 500,000
Current version: 1.14
Average rating: 4.6
Author: [email protected]
Category: royal game
Compatibility: Windows (XP, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows 7) and Mac OS (macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra, OS X 10.11, OS X 10.10

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Description of Chess

Chess is one of the best free chess game on Android
Powerful AI engine,interesting daily tasks,different difficulty of the mess challenge,suitable of exercise your chess strategy,improve your chess force.Eventually become a top expert!

Games features:

-13 AI difficulty( novice->experts ),beginners easier to get started, proficient can also challenge.
-ELO reference based on AI difficulty selection.
-Teaching mode,improve the player skills.
-Smart Tip Analysis for each step.
-Two player with your friends.
-Update the challenges of different difficulty every day.
- Daily tasks.
-different chess themes,six different chess cards.

Come and download free chess!

Description of the last update (December 4, 2018)

Change the graph.
Solve some problems.